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Livro Impresso

Gold B2 first
exam maximiser without key

English, Gold, Pearson, Educação


The Gold series is a well-established exam preparation course that combines carefully graded exam preparation with thorough language and skills development.
The new edition preparing students for B2 First has been improved in response to teacher feedback:
50% of the content is new with many new readings and listenings, and all new visuals;
There are 12 units rather than 14;
The difficulty level for reading and listening is increased to match the level of the B2 First exam;
Grammar is improved: more detail, depth, engagement and activities;
New full practice test, and two more to download;
Progress test every three units;
Audio scripts in back of book;
Course-specific MyEnglishLab.

Metadado adicionado por Pearson em 16/07/2018

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Metadados adicionados: 16/07/2018
Última alteração: 16/07/2018

Autores e Biografia

Burgess, Sally (Autor), Newbrook, Jacky (Autor)

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